Although not named in South Shore Hospital’s press release about a lost shipment of back-up files slated for destruction, the data management firm was named in the hospital’s report to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. It’s Iron Mountain Data Products (but see correspondence/clarification below).
Update: two commenters below– both from Iron Mountain — are reporting/claiming something that I am trying to verify with HHS/OCR.
With respect to the first commenter stating that Iron Mountain Data Products is not affiliated with Iron Mountain, the information management firm, it’s not clear to me that there is no connection, as this page from Iron Mountain’s web site refers to Iron Mountain Data Products: and a search of the Iron Mountain Data Products web site at shows them using Iron Mountain’s registered mark. I have emailed the commenter to ask him to explain or clarify his statement that there is no affiliation.
Archive Data Solutions is a different firm, and I have no idea on what basis the second commenter indicates that they were involved, but as soon as I get a response from HHS/OCR as to the business associate in the South Shore Hospital incident, I will update this post.
Update 2: Here’s what Iron Mountain answered:
Iron Mountain Data Products is NOT a subsidiary of Iron Mountain. Iron Mountain Data Products previously licensed the “Iron Mountain” name for the sale of computer back-up tapes, tape containers and other commodity data products, not services apparently related to the South Shore Hospital tape loss. The company now goes by Archive Data Solutions, As part of this previous licensing agreement, we created this page to refer customers to Iron Mountain Data Products–now Archive Data Solutions. Again, Iron Mountain Incorporated and its affiliates were not involved with this incident.
Thanks to Iron Mountain for explaining.
Hi, I’m a communications guy with Iron Mountain–not to be confused here with Iron Mountain Data Products. Iron Mountain Data Products is a different company and not affiliated with Iron Mountain, the information management company. Thanks.
It’s Archive Data Solutions that was involved. They have the info incorrect