Another small development in the rash of credit card fraud cases and attempts to transfer business funds in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle. So far, only the Broadway Grill has been named as a point of compromise. As reported previously, not only are their customers affected but their own bank accounts were accessed to transfer funds. Shaun Knittel writes:
“In the newest Seattle case, police and Secret Service investigators say they’ve identified multiple points of compromise, and the businesses involved have upgraded their anti-virus software so the fraud cannot continue,” Iacovetti told KOMO news. “The Electronic Crimes Task Force is pursuing leads on suspects, but the businesses involved are not being identified at this time.”
Both the Secret Service and Seattle Police Department say no “skimming” devices were used, nor did any employee of a Capitol Hill business record and sell patrons’ credit card information.
Somewhat confusingly (misleadingly, perhaps?) Knittel headlines the article, “Credit card fraud ring targets gay Seattleites.” Since there seem to be multiple businesses compromised, it’s not clear why he thinks there’s any link to gay Seattleites.