Alison Dayani reports:
A severe security alert has been issued over confidential NHS medical records of every Birmingham patient being left open to breach, the Birmingham Post can reveal.
The National Information Commissioner has ordered an investigation into access of IT files held by Birmingham Primary Care Shared Services Agency, which holds all staff and patient files for the city’s three primary care trusts (PCTs) plus all GP surgeries.
The highest level of Serious Untoward Incident – level five – has been issued over the computer network allegedly being left repeatedly compromised and insecure, an insider said.
Read more on Birmingham Post.
It seems both organisations who suffer data breaches and the media are happy to assume that the true cause is shrouded in mystery, when the truth is “Abuse of Admin Privileges are the Root of Most Breaches”, not hackers, insiders, thieves, vulnerabilities, greed, mistakes….[and so on]