A lot more CPPS leaks have surfaced, after the release of the 1st one a few weeks ago. Our first report was on the 13th, since then there has been a huge dump of data from CPPS. CPPS Leak #1 CPPS Leak #2 CPPS Leak #3 CPPS Leak #4 CPPS Leak #5 CPPS Leak #5…
Month: July 2011
UK to AU: Stolen credit and debit details emailed across the world
Matt Dunn reports: More than 1500 credit and debit card details stolen in Britain were emailed to Australia to be placed on blank Crown and Coles Myer cards and used to fleece major banks, a court has heard. Victoria Police seized a computer at an Endeavour Hills address and found 27 draft emails sent from…
Hackers reveal personal data of Colombian police officials
Adriaan Alsema reports: Hackers announced Wednesday they had sent spam bombs to some 250 officials of Colombia’s national Police and revealed personal data of employees of the National Police inviting the public to harass the officials. In a statement published online, the hackers thanked the National Police “for keeping us submitted and trampled.” In the same statement,…
10 government sites SQL dump from #antisec peru and Catlovers SQL of the day
A database dump has surfaced from #antisec Peru. This DB dump is from 10 peru government based sites. These sites are: https://www.came.edu.pe/ https://www.umch.edu.pe/ https://www.unac.edu.pe/ https://www.unmsm.edu.pe/ https://www.regionsanmartin.gob.pe/ https://www.essalud.gob.pe/ https://www2.minedu.gob.pe/ https://sitr.regioncallao.gob.pe/ https://www.ugelnasca.gob.pe/ https://www.regiontacna.gob.pe/grt1/indexn.php And the leak https://pastehtml.com/view/b17ric010.rtxt Also SQL vun of the day. CatloversUnited Catlovers United SQLi of the day: napolipizza.com privatepaste.com/73aa1a9d63ready to deface #SQLinjection #Exploited #AntiSec
Videos from Health Privacy Summit Now Available
Organizers of the June 13th, D.C. Health Privacy Summit, “Getting IT Right: Protecting Patient Privacy in a Wired World” [http://www.healthprivacysummit.org], today announced the release of all videos from the Summit. Videos include all of the morning panel sessions, the keynote speakers, as well as the final session: “”Looking Forward – The 2012 Health Privacy Agenda” [http://www.healthprivacysummit.org/videos/session-5-looking-ahead-2012-health-privacy-agenda].”…
Abhaxas teaches Joseph K Black a lesson to learn
Well as many twitter users who follow anonymous and or lulzsec know there is a troll out there, one that has gotten such a name for himself that he got himself hacked, i must mention he is a Security expert or at least wants to be. For a while now we have been watching Joe…