@CMDL1NE has been quiet the last week or so with a quick come back today, leaving 6 links on pastebin, These are actually 6 more website database details that they are constantly dumping. These come in the typical @CMDL1NE style with database administration details. https://pastebin.com/SgMgHXA0 Voidcon.co.za Shinflex.com https://pastebin.com/wsb3T3GR Roomsoutdoor.co.uk https://pastebin.com/rGzT9dVS Mitsubishi-kyw.co.th https://pastebin.com/wvZ9EGHq Apraca.org https://pastebin.com/ZSjsNB6b Saddleworth.oldham.sch.uk https://pastebin.com/ZU2LWcks