When the news started circulating a few nights ago that Twitter had been hacked and over 55,000 logins had been dumped on the Internet, I looked at the five pastes comprising the data dump. The data didn’t look right to me, and as I told a colleague on DataLossDB, I was going to hold off on adding the incident.
Not surprising to me, Twitter quickly issued a statement and noted that a significant percentage of the logins were duplicates and many of accounts looked like spam accounts that had already been terminated by Twitter. They said they were continuing to investigate. And I continued to hold off on treating this as an incident in the database.
Today Jay Alabaster reports:
None of the recently leaked Twitter logins and passwords came from within the company, according to a message posted on Twitter’s Japanese blog Thursday.
“We have confirmed that no one’s information has been leaked from Twitter,” the blog said, after apologizing to users for their concerns.
In its Japanese blog posting, Twitter said that account information had likely been leaked from a different site, and it had sent password reset requests to users on the list.
Read more on Computerworld while I congratulate myself on not spending time researching the hack that wasn’t.