@TeamDigi7al have just announced they have hacked and leaked a complete database from the toronto Police departments server. The announcement was made via their twitter account a short while ago and the leak data has been uploaded to upload site, uppit.com and is a 30mb+ txt file that contains the complete data dump from this attack.
#TPD TorontoPD #Hacked@CBCNews@EduardKovacs@BreakTheSec heres their#DB https://uppit.com/9qwjnj4o9s0t/T
While having a quick look over the data to make sure it was what they claimed it to be we have come across some interesting MySQL tables that will require some digging as well as 4k+ accounts so far. content/images/gallery/random3/homcide_suspect.png Some of the data is personal information of homicide suspects/victims, robbery suspect and victims and a bunch of other personal details we are yet to dig through. https://ozdc.net/archives.php?aid=1948 https://ozdc.net/archives.php?aid=1947 https://uppit.com/9qwjnj4o9s0t/TPD.txt