This time last year there was not many if any Australian websites getting defaced, hacked, data leaked like there is this year. When 2012 started it was said to be year of the hackers and it would seem they are moving towards Australian shores. Over the past weeks we have reported on a few attacks within Australia and now we have discovered two more that have happened within the last 24hrs, One of these has been carried out by a facebook user "Kay" flying the ZHC flag and posted on the ZHC page. The target was The Australian Institute of Conveyancers (Victoria) which has since been restored. mirror of the defacement on arab-zone. There has also been an attack by pastebin user installman on or SCAN which is a website that is hosted and owned by Media Department, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. The leak on SCAN contains sql database information and results from the admin table, which have been stored in cleartext and are very very weak. There is also another database that appears to have admin users which also is stored in clear text and one of the passwords are 1234, So for Macquarie University, to be apart of something that allows such weak security is surely a worry to all the students and employees of the Uni.
Australian Sites Becoming more of a target for hackers, 2 more sites hacked
Category: Breach Incidents