@TeamGhostShell has just announce yet another leak, this comes just minutes after the last one which was targeted at Social Action Secretariats and now this attack has been aimed at SEPRELAD (https://www.seprelad.gov.py/) – Secretariat for the Prevention of Laundering of Money and Property which is currently offline. The leak was announced again via twitter and the leak was uploaded to privatepaste.
☠ GhostShell ☠
@TeamGhostShell#TeamGhostShell‘s newest leak: https://seprelad.gov.py –https://privatepaste.com/5ccdb3cd47 || https://pastesite.com/37950#ProjectGhostShell
The leaked data contains a heap of user accounts and a couple of system admin credentails, all passwords are encrypted. https://ozdc.net/archives.php?aid=2236 https://privatepaste.com/5ccdb3cd47