@SatanSec has breach two further sites after the recently and as a result they have added new index pages that almost appear to be real sites but when you read further it becomes clear they are hacked. Just a few days ago we reported that @SatanSec had breached a United kingdom family medical centre and left its main page with a joke warning message. The first site Pines Hotel (https://www.pineshotel.com/) sporting a new bit of information about the site ( see below). The other site is the ABC Childrens centre (https://www.abcchildrenscentre.co.uk/) and this one has even had a picture of mr bush and others added as "team member" profiles. abc childrens centre deface
Pines hotel deface
Pines Hotel message reads as
The Pines Hotel in Luton is a family run independent hotel offering guests the chance to test their survivability to the extreme. If our food doesn’t kill you, the Nail Beds of Endurance will fuck you right up. Watch out for "Old Doris" the maid who would gladly use her sharpened toilet brush of doom on your carotid artery if you’re a shit tipper. Our cold and torturous hotel includes a traditional bar to enjoy some goat and/or virgin blood (though finding a virgin in Luton has been fairly difficult), a selection of meals and snacks in our restaurant to boost your immune system, dedicated torture room and facilities for sacrifices and orgies. We have meeting room packages available and can cater for demonic overlord conferences for up to 50 minions. We can cater for funerals and resurrections which we can tailor to your individual requirements. Whatever the reason for your visit our team of cunts look forward to meeting you and providing a cheap home from home experience.
At time of publishing both sites were still defaced. Full gallery for @SatanSec Defaces