King5 staff report:
The Pierce County Housing Authority is conducting an investigation into a security breach that impacts all the people on the county’s wait list for Section 8 housing.
The staff does not yet know how it happened, but the names and social security numbers of all the people on the wait list appeared online. That is about 1,000 people.
Hull says it is still unclear how long the information was accessible. They contract to an outside agency for their IT services.
Her staff is preparing a letter to send out to everyone impacted by the breach. They are offering free credit reports and free credit report classes to everyone on the list.
Read more on King5.
Free credit reports and free credit report classes? Not free credit monitoring when SSN were posted online? Seriously? Did they have a contract with their IT vendor that included a clause requiring them to pick up the costs of a data breach? Either way, this is one of those cases where people should be offered more than a free credit report class.