Remember Emad, a hacking crew that claimed to have attacked Israeli sites in March 2012, and to have attacked an Israeli Webgate server in August 2012 and dumped data, has apparently claimed to have attacked the Pentagon.
Seen on Cryptome, August 1:
from : REMEMBER EMAD crew
to : Pentagon
subject : op910we are responsible for the attack to your computers. the results of the attack can be categorized as below :
– deals with contractors
– products being discussed to send overseas to various geos
– id and social security of the dod personnel involved
we are processing the data and pretty soon make a dump of it right aside the Saudi corruption leaks recently published.
motivation behind this op was your dirty involvement in Syrian affairs and aims against hezbollah and other local resistance groups or as it says on the new show “every action has a reaction” . you will be hearing from us more 🙂
respects fly to :
alqassam cyber fighters
syrian electronic army
karbala EW
Iranian cyber Army
Anonymous cannot vouch for the authenticity of the of the message or the claim, and is trying to reach @RememberEmad’s protected Twitter account to inquire.