Remember when I expressed surprise on Twitter that The Telegraph, a UK publication, actually named this kid? Within hours, the publication silently deleted it, but there’s been so much reported online and on Twitter that his identity is pretty much out there already.
Alan Erwin reports:
A Co Antrim schoolboy arrested over the cyber attack on TalkTalk is suing three national newspapers for alleged breach of privacy, it emerged today.
Lawyers for the 15-year-old have also commenced proceedings against internet giants Google and Twitter.
The lawsuit centres on publicity surrounding his questioning last month by police investigating a major hack into the phone and broadband provider’s database.
[…]The case is due to be heard again next month.
Read more on Belfast Telegraph.
Good. Now he can pay for a lawyer. Additionally he will have potential funds to pay restitution for his potential acts. If there is anything left, he might have a few bucks left over to put away while he serves some kiddie jail time.
If he did a GOOD deed, he’d WANT his name in the paper, which is allowed, no? if he does a BAD deed, it’s not allowed. Its a deterrent to keep people from having their names listed with a crime. If you do a crime, or have been arrested, I think your name should be smeared all over the net.
He’ll be tied up in courts forever, AFTER he serves time for his illegal activities.
So no innocent until proven guilty, huh?
Many places have laws prohibiting naming minors accused of crimes.
BTW, I doubt that even if he is involved, he’ll see any jail time. UK is much lighter on consequences than the U.S. is. I would expect probation or whatever they call it over there.