May 30, 2024
HC3: Analyst Note
Report: 20240530120
Executive Summary
A Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack is a type of cyber attack in which an attacker uses multiple
systems, often referred to as a botnet, to send a high volume of traffic or requests to a targeted network or
system, overwhelming it and making it unavailable to legitimate users. With the number of attacks
increasing every year, they can come at any time, impact any part of a website’s operations or resources,
and lead to massive amounts of service interruptions and huge financial losses. In the health and public
health (HPH) sector, they have the potential to deny healthcare organizations and providers access to vital
resources that can have detrimental impact on the ability to provide care. Disruptions due to a cyber
attack may interrupt business continuity by keeping patients or healthcare personnel from accessing
critical healthcare assets such as electronic health records, software based medical equipment, and
websites to coordinate critical tasks. As such, this comprehensive DDoS guide is intended for target
healthcare audiences to understand what DDoS attacks are; what causes them; types of DDoS attacks
with timely, relevant examples; and mitigations and defenses against a potential attack.
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