After various investigations, the police have arrested several data traders in various locations in the Netherlands in the past period. They are suspected of involvement in the sale of personal data. This data was traded within various Telegram groups. In these groups, warning messages are now being placed by the police.
Through data theft, hacks or a data leak, for example at companies or organisations, personal data can end up in the hands of people with bad intentions. This often concerns data such as names, dates of birth, telephone numbers, bank details, e-mail addresses or home addresses.
Illegal data trading leads to other criminal activities
In many cases, the personal data is then sold, which is called data trading. The buyer, a criminal, can use this data for new, criminal activities. Because the criminal has this data, he or she can, for example, pose as a bank employee and thus gain the trust of citizens. In some cases, lists are sold containing only data of older people in order to play on their (possible) vulnerability. This form of data trading is illegal and sellers risk a prison sentence of up to four years.
Data traders arrested
The trade in so-called ‘leads’ (personal data) often forms the basis for other forms of crime. That is why the police not only focus on tracking down hackers, for example, but also on disrupting and preventing the trade in stolen data. In the investigation into illegal data trade, the police came across several Telegram groups in which data was traded. The Cybercrime Team of the Northern Netherlands unit obtained a great deal of information about and from these groups, after which they gained insight into the largest data traders.
In the past period, four suspects, aged between 21 and 31, have been arrested in various places in the country. It concerns three men and one woman. Their data carriers, such as telephones, have been confiscated. Part of the investigation is where and when the data they had was stolen. A total of three firearms were also found and confiscated during the various arrests. More arrests are not ruled out.
‘Maybe we noticed your nickname too and we’ll see you soon!’
To show that the police are also present online and that the investigations into data trading continue, messages are left in both public and closed Telegram groups, in which the police make themselves known and warn members about the consequences of data trading. The information from the Telegram groups is secured.
Information Do you suspect that someone in your area is involved in data trading? Then contact the police on 0900 – 8844. This can also always be done anonymously via Meld Misdaad Anoniem: 0800 – 7000. Do you want to know whether your data is also being traded on the internet? Then look at Check je hack or at . Want to know more about data trading? Then look at