More on a breach covered here previously:
The data from as many as 100,000 credit cards were endangered by a security breach, the financial paper Kauppalehti reports.
“The Finnish police is investigating the data theft of at least 40,000 credit cards from a computer in a store in Helsinki, reports the Bloomberg news agency.
The store’s computer system was breached from abroad. Card copies of the stolen data have already been used in different parts of the world.
The security breach was revealed through the security surveillance of the full-service card payment company Luottokunta in the middle of January.
According to the police the data from as many as 100,000 credit cards were endangered by the security breach.
Read more in the Helsinki Times. One of the interesting statements was that Finland typically has about 4,000 cases of card replacement due to fraud in a year. This is really a huge incident for them.