Dallas Cook reports:
Just a week after the Veterans Affairs Department agreed to pay $20 million to veterans for exposing them to possible identity theft in 2006 by losing sensitive personal information in a stolen laptop computer, a local veterans association mistakenly sent out personal information about disabled veterans in the mail.
Gerry Sparks, a disabled veteran, received a packet in the mail with the application for her daughter’s tuition benefits. At the bottom of the packet, was a claims log that listed more than 20 veterans names, social security numbers and medical claim information.
The top of the claims log is labeled “Texas Veterans Commission,” but neither the Commission nor the Veterans Affairs Regional Office is sure who is to blame for the incident.
“At this point we don’t know where it came from, I guarantee it was just a mistake. We vigorously take pains to protect veterans as does the VA. You can rest assured, it will be thoroughly investigated and we’ll find out what happened. It’s a terrible human error,” said Jim Richman, Director of Claims Representation and Counseling for the Texas Veterans Commission.
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