Wainwright Jeffers reports:
Some Dougherty County school workers worry the system put them at risk of identity theft.
School officials say they shouldn’t be concerned.
WALB learned that twice this week, the system sent employees an e-mail asking them for personal information, including social security numbers for a school system data base.
Both times, follow up e-mails were sent quickly recalling the initial messages and instructing workers not to send the information, but some employees had already responded.
School officials say they are almost certain no personal information got into the wrong hands.
“It was determined that our management information department determined there may be a better or more secure way of collecting the data so they ask this way be stopped and start a new way, I have the assurance of our management information folks, that while no information is completely safe the chance of this data being mined was very slim,” said R.D. Harter, DCSS Public Information Dir.
We’re told the information workers sent in went to a website hosted by Google. School system officials say that information has been deleted and the site dismantled.
They say they’ll try again in the future to collect the information.
Source: WALB.
Really, folks? Email? And you’ve just determined there “may be a better way?”
Kudos to WALB for exposing this.