Damn. Some will likely call this a training #FAIL, , but it’s still sad/frustrating. WSPA reports:
Spartanburg County Public Libraries confirmed Tuesday night that they suffered a ransomware attack Monday morning impacting the library system’s ability to check out books.
Spartanburg County Librarian Todd Stephens said access to the system’s computers and wireless have been disabled for the past two days following the attack, but he said they hope to be back up on Friday.
“The key now is recovery and restore,” Stephens said.
He said the ransom demanded 3.6 to 3.8 bitcoins, which translates to over $35,000.
Stephens said the virus was sent out by email by the attacker in December, but said the email was opened recently by an employee at the library.
Read more on WSPA. They don’t report what kind of AV they had on their system so it’s hard to know whether something could have/would have detected it.