Twitter has been a busy place for dumping information. Within the last 20hrs or so there has been a fairly large random dump of information, this starts with our post of the BPM dump yesterday. The latest dumps of information contain usernames/passwords and database information from various websites. x2 database’s The leaks come via twitter from the @p0keu who has a funky avatar:
The first website describes it self as:* Culture Direct collects Stockholm’s independent culture on the Web and the Culture House* Then they got leaked again via another section of the site leaking different data. ###
The second website is Washington County Schools Internet Network. Now this next one comes as a bit of a surprise…. 10 passwords that are exactly the same. This is just pure insecure and stupid. ###
The third website was designed to provide information about the culture and history of the Tamil people.
My thought
These leaks just continue to show the need for company’s of all sorts, governments, even personal users to be up to date with security and be aware that a lot of data is exploitable. So everyone, learn a lesson, Secure you’re stuff, use multipul passwords, don’t trust big corporations with you’re information as it is bound to be exposed to the public some day if we see security going the way it currently is. Regards Anonymous.