AUSTIN, TX, Nov 16, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) — BreakingPoint products were used for the second straight year by the U.S. European Command (EUCOM) during Cyber Endeavor 2011 to provide a fully operational cyber range capable of stressing devices, systems and personnel with live Internet-scale cyber war conditions. Cyber Endeavor is the United States European Command’s paramount cyber security collaboration, familiarization and engagement program designed to strengthen partner nation cyber defense capacities through seminars, events and exercises. Cyber Endeavor builds partnerships with NATO, partner nations, academia and industry. During Cyber Endeavor 2011, BreakingPoint cyber range solutions were among those used to conduct exercises to help harden network defenses, conduct advanced cyber security research, validate lawful intercept systems and train cyber warriors. Cyber Endeavor uses BreakingPoint to test network defenses, lawful intercept systems and cyber warrior skills BreakingPoint cyber range products were also used to validate the resiliency of mission-critical lawful intercept systems, which are used to legally analyze data to prevent possible infrastructure or cyber attacks. Cyber Endeavor attendees participated in a hands-on exercise with BreakingPoint experts to learn the basics of lawful intercept systems and how to test their accuracy in the face of stressful network conditions. By creating the behavior of millions of users, participants could create "needle in a haystack" scenarios using blended applications, live cyber attacks and malformed traffic. The lawful intercept system was then hit with this real-world traffic to validate its ability to accurately identify keyword triggers under these hostile conditions. The BreakingPoint cyber range solution was used throughout Cyber Endeavor, including to: — Test and validate the performance, security and stability of critical network infrastructure and network equipment devices. — Demonstrate how to configure and use Network Behavior Anomaly Detection (NBAD) for cyber defense solutions. — Determine the accuracy of real-time application traffic decoding probes using Network Behavior Anomaly Detection (NBAD). Create Internet-Scale Cyber War Conditions "Cyber Endeavor truly supports cyber defense information exchange by bringing together participants from approximately 40 nations and organizations with the primary goal of gaining an understanding of the threats and knowledge on how to better defend and protect their networks and cyber domains. The participants collaborate and train on the most pressing cyber issues facing our collective communities," said William Poole, Cyber Endeavor organizer. "Using the BreakingPoint cyber range technology, participants were able to create Internet-scale cyber war conditions in a controlled, compact and cost-effective environment. The ability to conduct accurate cyber war exercises not only helps train cyber warriors on how to prevent cyber attacks, but it also is used to harden current cyber defenses, validate lawful interception techniques and advance cyber security research across Europe." About BreakingPoint As the standard for IT resiliency, BreakingPoint gives you advance insight into the performance, security and stability of applications, devices, networks and data centers under high-stress conditions. BreakingPoint’s patented products are comprehensive, easy to use and highly scalable, simulating the behavior of millions of online and mobile application users as they work, shop, post, stream, talk, download, spread malware and steal data. By stressing each element of IT infrastructures under these real-world conditions, BreakingPoint quickly and accurately exposes previously impossible-to-detect stress fractures before they are exploited. Find it before they do, at
BreakingPoint Cyber Range Solution Used by U.S. European Command to Train Cyber Warriors, Harden Network Defenses and Validate Lawful Intercept System
Category: Breach Incidents