Yesterday, Panda Security was hacked, defaced and had a bunch of data leaked by Anonymous hackers flying the LulzSec flag. Tghe attack which is said to of happened due to claims that panda worked with fbi to help bring down certain people that have been involved in recent attacks. Not long after the attack Panda Security announced a short press release on their Facebook page that makes some strong claims that the hackers didn’t get very far and didn’t even deface the main site’s.
Panda Security On March 6th the hacking group LulzSec, part of Anonymous, obtained access to a Panda Security webserver hosted outside of the Panda Security internal network. This server was used only for marketing campaigns and to host some of the company’s blogs. Neither the main website were affected in the attack. The attack did not breach Panda Security’s internal network and neither source code, update servers nor customer data was accessed. The only information accessed was related to marketing campaigns such as landing pages and some obsolete credentials, including supposed credentials for employees that have not been working at Panda for over five years. We continue investigating the cause of the intrusion and will provide more details as soon as they become available. Meanwhile we assure all our customers and partners that none of their information has been compromised and that our products and services continue functioning as normal.
As a response to this press release there have been the typical taunts from anonymous supporters that we have seen in the past from the stratfor attacks. Surprisingly they have been fair vocal in the response’s to some questions people are asking with answers like " Hi David, we are pretty sure that the info of our customers or products have not been compromised. The info published about passwords are no longer valid, but not only passwords, but also e-mail addresses are fake. Anyway, and this is not an excuse, nobody is safe. Bigger companies have also suffered from attacks like this. Back in 2010 some other groups tried to attacks Panda as well." So as you can see Panda is claiming the emails were fake and the accounts was no longer active, is this true? its really anyone’s guess unless some one comes forward with further proof. Read panda’s release here