Yesterday we came across a data dumped that claimed to be from, however since then game has announced that no breach has happened and all accounts are safe. So this is either 1 of three things, they are telling the truth, they are telling story’s or they are just unsure. Either way its good to see…
Author: Lee J
#ZionOps Claims 0xOmar’s Forum Downtime
In the ever growing cyber war between Israel and many other country’s a group of hackers going by the name ZionOps has claimed they have Owned 0xOmar, the hacker who released thousands of credit cards with intentions for mass disruption. The message has come from the ZionOps website and states that "0xOmar – We are…
Raw Questions and Answers With Hannibal and Insight to Leaks
The other night, we got in contact with the hacker Hannibal and had the chance to ask a few basic questions which im sure are the main ones everyone wants to know. So here is the raw interview via email. CWN: Do you at all feel sorry for the innocents that are possibly caught up in the dataleaks?…
ISP 012, blames storage systems malfunctions for ISP downtime
In what we reported early today that a couple of systems had been taken down and possibly an ISP as well within Israel was not infact a result of Ddos attacks the ISP has claimed. Today they came out and said that due to storage problems they had a malfunctions which caused about 30minutes down time. these reports are…
STRATFOR Email Teaser Expose’s threats
content/images/gallery/antisec12/teaser-2-stratfor-calls-anon-and-wikileaks-hippie-arseholes-pastebin-com_.png STRATFOR suffered massive attacks over Christmas of 2011 and as a result they had to down there network while they figure what had happened to there complete network as it was destroyed by anonymous hackers. In the last few days some "teaser" emails have been leaked from the bunch that the anonymous hackers have obtained and to some surprise these emails are…
60+ Sites Hacked for #OpFreePalestine By PCCS
content/images/gallery/opfreepalestine/op-free-palestine.png Pak Cyber Combat Squad (PCCS) has joined the #OpFreePalestine Fight along side many other hackers who have recently come out and started to fight as one. PCCS has hacked and defaced 60+ sites leaving a common message on them along with the song Long Live Palestine – by Lowkey Unknown & Krayzie was here ! "Free…