Yet another government website has been hit and had data leaked today, this one comes from the Congress of the state of Chihuahua Mexico and contains administration with really lame passwords, which is sort of expected from Mexico but the government? come on fix your security.
Author: Lee J hacked and user database leaked by FailRoot
Web site hosting company who offers a huge range fo different solutions has been hacked and had its Database dum,ped online by FailRoot. the leak which was alerted to us via twitter contains all users informations, emails, paypals and much more is 11.86mb and has been uploaded to megaupload.
Chaos Computer Club Expose and Analyze German Government malware
The German government has come under fire from a group called Chaos computer club after an anonymous submission has lead them to find out that the German government and police are using Trojan based malware to spy on people computers. content/images/gallery/random2/ccc.png In 2008 there was a court ruling stating that this was a form of wiring tapping and The…
More Government sites hacked and defaced by MCA-CRB
MCA-CRB has been busy over the past year amounting to over 1100+ defaced government based websites. Some of the most recent ones range from china, Indonesia, America, french and many many more. content/images/gallery/random2/hacked-by-mca-crb.png Follow MCA-CRB hacks on Zone-H
Turkish Energy Team attacks on government websites
Turkish Energy Team have been busy defacing a fair few different governments websites, some are just bunches of sub domains, which would say they have had access to the server or a common exploit across the system to deface such a mass of sites on the same system. In the defacing is a link to and a live defacing can still be…
Citigroup Sued by Cardholders Over 2011 Security Breach
Citigroup, the 3rd largest bank in america has been sued by Kristina and Steven Orman of Northport, New York, who was repersenting the victims which affected 360k+ accounts. A weakness in Citigroup’s online security allowed hackers to use a “brute force data intrusion” to access thousands of cardholders’ accounts, the Ormans said. While Citigroup said the…