A website of the President of nepal has been hacked and had admin and user accounts data leaked. This attack comes from Team T!g3R and was dumped on pastebin. All passwords are encrypted. https://pastebin.com/iknCwPQ0
Author: Lee J
TEAM T!g3R hack and leak data from 6 Sri Lanka Government sites
The Sri Lanka government has been under attack a lot these past few weeks, with many division of the government being hacked and defaced and lots of the websites login data being leaked as well. The most recent attacks leaves another six sites hacked and having its admin login leaked. https://www.rpd.gov.lk https://pastebin.com/kWn41ZHk https://www.rgd.gov.lk/ https://pastebin.com/im522VJ2 https://www.publictrustee.gov.lk…
3 Indonesia Government Sites hacked and data dumped by Cyb3rSec Crew
Cyb3rSec Crew has been busy the past few days dumping 3 databases from different sites. The websites which are all Indonesia government websites. The data that has been leaked is admin accounts and basic database layouts. https://agroindustri.menlh.go.id/ https://pastebin.com/YqaSx1Uh https://landspatial.bappenas.go.id/ https://pastebin.com/fyv1A0in https://ktm.depnakertrans.go.id/ https://pastebin.com/wHymUfPx This continues the proof that the worlds governments need to fix shit asap and stop…
400+ Accounts leaked by Herxode
400+ Accounts from an unknown website have been dumped on pastebin, this comes from a hacker calling them selfs Herxode. https://pastebin.com/GPsudYXG
What happened to all the posts and a few site updates
Well today really sucked, Few months ago my host did me a huge favour and changed locations etc; i screwed up and have not been using that for the last 18days or so. From this the old account has now been deleted/disabled along with all backs of databases. Oh Well…. half a month isn’t to…
TEAM T!g3R attack and hack 7 Sri Lanka Government websites, including the army
Earlier today TEAM T!g3R dumped a few databases and with images and information from a bunch of Sri Lanka government websites. These sites are the army, micro finance, lawnet, nsf, Port authority, Business Online, Sunday times. This shows the range of sites that hackers will go for, pretty much anything that has a exploit or entry point for a hacker…