If you stayed at a Wyndham hotel, check your mail, because you may be getting a letter from the chain telling you of a hack that occurred months ago. In a letter to the New Hampshire Attorney General dated December 23, Wyndham Hotels and Resorts updated a notification sent to states attorney general back in…
Author: Dissent
Pepsi employee data on missing storage device
On December 23rd, Pepsi Bottling Group notified the New Hampshire Attorney General that: During the week of December 8, the payroll department of The Pepsi Bottling Group (PBG) reported that it could not account for a portable data storage device, which contained unencrypted personal information, including the names and social security numbers of PBG employees…
Five recent Merrill Lynch security breaches you probably didn’t know about
As if the financial sector wasn’t in enough of tailspin recently, Merrill Lynch reported at least five security breaches during the last quarter of 2008. Reports filed by the firm with several states attorney general reveal that: On September 3, the company reported a lost laptop containing personally identifiable information to New York State. That…
Seibels Bruce Group hacked?
From the your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine dept. On December 22, Seibels Bruce Group notified the New Hampshire Attorney General of breach. I’m pretty sure they were describing a hack, but from their wording, I suppose it’s possible that someone wandered into their offices and just browsed through their file cabinets. See what you think when you read the…
Stolen RoadSafe Traffic Systems laptops put employee data at risk
RoadSafe‘s home page proclaims, “At RoadSafe, we are focused on roadway safety. Protecting people and property.” It is somewhat ironic, then, that RoadSafe employees had their data stolen on the road. As reported to the New Hampshire Attorney General on November 26th: On November 11, 2008, a laptop belonging to a RoadSafe employee was stolen…
Vonage customer data on Google Notebook
With all the advice we see these days about hardening security, this might be a good time to remember the importance of both having stringent security standards written into any contractor agreements and actually monitoring compliance with any contracts or policies. A recent breach reported by Vonage serves as a useful example. On December 23,…