All listed and financial companies must report a security breach, with the scope of disclosure on major management issues including M&As being expanded to hacking incidents. The Knowledge Economy Ministry said Thursday that as early as 2014, companies must inform whether they have been hacked and how they can cope with such incidents on either…
Category: Breach Laws
France Introduces Data Security Breach Notification Requirement for Electronic Communication Service Providers
On August 24, 2011, France’s new law concerning electronic communications (Ordonnance n° 2011-1012 du 24 août 2011 relative aux communications électroniques, or the “Ordinance”) came into force. The Ordinance implements the provisions of the revised EU Directive 2002/58/EC (the “e-Privacy Directive”) with respect to the French Data Protection Act of 1978, the French Postal and Electronic Communications…
Steelie Neelie: ‘Help us form Brussels data breach policy’
John Oates reports: The European Commission is asking for feedback on practical rules to ensure that anyone in Europe who has their private data breached will be told. New rules across Europe mean that telcos are meant to tell you if they lose your data. But what is needed now is feedback on how the…
All UK firms to face mandatory data breach notification regime
Dan Worth reports: All businesses in the UK that store data on customers will soon have to disclose any breaches, as the European Commission looks to widen the scope of recent changes to data protection laws. Speaking at the British Bankers’ Association (BBA) Data Protection and Privacy Conference in London on Monday, European Union justice…
Everything Everywhere slams mandatory data breach notification law
Dan Worth reports: Mobile operator Everything Everywhere has criticised changes to UK law as part of the recent European ePrivacy Directive, which will force ISPs and telecoms firms to disclose any data breach incidents. The changes, which were brought in at the same time as new rules on cookies, will require service providers to inform…
House data breach bill may be tightened
Reuters reports: A congresswoman may strengthen a data breach bill to quell concerns it would do too little to force companies to alert customers of data breaches promptly. The draft version of the bill from Rep. Mary Bono Mack requires companies that experience a breach to tell law enforcement within 48 hours and to begin…