Here’s an update to a case involving a dishonest Electronic Data Systems employee. John Shryock reports: A Millbrook woman who was convicted in September of identity theft, wire fraud, aggravated identity theft and conspiracy to make false claims for tax refunds learned her fate before a judge Wednesday. Janika Fernae Bates will serve just under…
Category: Business Sector
Hacks of Chinese gaming sites may have affected 38,000,000
C. Custer writes: Yesterday, the Chinese internet was shaken by the news that IT portal and community CDSN has been hacked and data for its more than six million users had been stolen, including usernames and passwords. Today, reports have it that CDSN wasn’t the only site affected. Duowan, a games site, was hacked and…
Norwegian sex scandal brewing? (updated)
A new scandal is brewing. According to Harald S. Klungtveit and Anders Johansen Holth of Dagbladet in Norway, hackers have downloaded the entire database of 26,000 users of a sex-exchange (prostitution) site, [Update: see the Comment below this post for a better description of the site; the commenter says that it is not a…
AU: ACMA warns Vodafone over privacy breach
From the AAP: The communications watchdog has put Vodafone on notice over the telco’s leaking of personal customer details earlier this year. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has ordered Vodafone to comply with the telecommunications consumer protections code (TCP code), or face penalties of up to $250,000. An ACMA investigation found Vodafone had…
As an update to the breach previously noted on November 27,’s notification to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office reveals some additional details, including a statement that all of the data were encrypted. That wasn’t mentioned in their notification letter or previous coverage, and I’m a bit surprised that they wouldn’t have made…
Security breach at compromises security of customers’ credit card numbers
Buttler Schein Animal Health (a Henry Schein company) sent the following notification to customers of their subsidiary, We are writing to inform you that we have learned that there was a recent security incident at Butler Schein Animal Health’s systems ( where your veterinarian’s Website is hosted. This incident may have resulted in the…