Ke Jiayun reports: A 10-member gang were caught in Beijing and Shanghai for illegally obtaining and selling personal information, with local police saying it had seized data belonging to nearly 1 million people. The gang made over 320,000 yuan (US$52,704) from the illegal dealings. In mid-August this year, a woman filed a complaint claiming her…
Category: Business Sector
WoW Hacker Group Mastermind Sentenced To Two Years In Chinese Prison
Eric Jou reports: Late last week, in Zhejiang province’s Songyang county court, ten men were sentenced to prison terms of up to two years. These men didn’t commit super heinous crimes, but they did commit a terrible one: they were found guilty of hacking and defrauding over 10,000 World of WarCraft accounts. Read more on
Update on the Clark & Anderson, P.A. breach
On September 23, I reported on an unencrypted backup drive stolen from an accounting firm employee’s vehicle: A Maryland accounting firm had to notify 2,906 Maryland residents after an unencrypted backup drive was stolen from an employee’s car at his home. The theft occurred on August 4, but Clark & Anderson, P.A. didn’t learn of it…
Cruises Inc. notifies customers after booking system accessed by compromised login credentials
Back in August, I reported: Smartphone Experts discovered that the system used for customer payments for online shopping had been hacked. Although stored customer data were encrypted, Diana Kingree, the Senior Vice President of Commerce, noted that the hacker may have been able to use a decryption feature of the system to view customers’ names, addresses, credit or…
Travelocity notifies customers after service providers’ employees misuse customer data
On November 22, Travelocity notified the Maryland Attorney General’s Office of a breach they first learned about on February 21. According to their letter, on that date they discovered that “over the previous several months, several employees of a Travelocity service provider had misused certain information to which they had access as part of performing…
Affinity Gaming announces breach affecting all 11 casinos; fraudulent charges reported
It’s just hitting the media today that Affinity Gaming was hit by a cyberattack earlier this year that affected customers at its 11 casinos. They were alerted to the breach by the FBI in October, and the critical period for data compromise is March 14 – October 16. Here is the relevant parts of their announcement…