If Steve Regan of The Tech Herald thought Alpha Software’s breach notification was bland, I wonder what he thinks of Lockheed Martin’s recent breach notification. On November 6, Lockheed Martin sent out a breach notification that began: Dear As part of Lockheed Martin’s continued vigilance of personal information privacy matters, I am writing to inform…
Category: Breach Incidents
Lost Textron Financial hard drive held employee, customer data
Textron Financial has notified the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office that an external hard drive lost in mid-October contained personal information on 54 former and current employees as well as customers. According to a letter sent to affected clients this week, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and account numbers relating to the purchase of time-share…
Ca: MP leaves couple in dark on ID theft
Canadian press are all over the delays in notifying people about recent breaches. Here’s a story indicating that those whose passports were stolen weren’t notified promptly and only found out if they inquired: Richard J. Brennan reports: […] About 75 passports applications were found in a Canada Post bag along with 85 credit cards and…
NH: AG reviewing WDH patient records breach
As a follow-up to the coverage of a patient privacy breach involving Wentworth-Douglass Hospital (WDH), Adam D. Krauss of Foster’s Daily Democrat reports that a number of agencies are now piling on. Concern over Wentworth-Douglass Hospital’s handling of a broad privacy breach into patients’ records has widened with the Attorney General’s Office confirming it is…
Health Net notifies New Hampshire that 504 residents affected
Health Net’s notification to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office is now available online (pdf). Dated November 23, the letter states that although the files on the lost portable hard drive were not encrypted as they should have been, because they were image-only format files of scanned documents, they would be difficult to view. The…
Ca: Public has a right to know
The Times Colonist has an editorial about a breach reported previously on this blog. The editors point out that it was their reports who uncovered what should have been revealed by the government and that there are many as yet unanswered questions. Kudos to the reporters, Lindsay Kines and Rob Shaw, and the Times Colonist…