Reuters reports: Sony said on Saturday it had removed from the Internet the names and partial addresses of 2,500 sweepstakes contestants that had been stolen by hackers and posted on a website, and said it did not know when it could restart its PlayStation video games network. The company, under fire since hackers accessed personal…
Category: U.S.
FL: Sensitive Patient Records Found in Winter Haven City Recycling Dump
Rick Rousos reports: Records containing more than 60 Social Security numbers and sensitive medical histories were found this week by a woman diving for coupons in a large recycling bin. The paper records found at the city recycling area near the Orange Dome in Winter Haven on Tuesday came from the office of Jeffry Barnes, a…
Update: Data on stolen police laptop was encrypted
Sometimes it pays to wait until you get more information before making any public statement. A police chief in Connecticut was ridiculed widely yesterday after suggesting that a stolen laptop containing a “fair amount of records” would likely be inaccessible because the battery was old and run down. Today, there’s an updated assessment and statement….
CT: Police laptop stolen from cruiser parked at dealership
Elizabeth Dinan reports: A police department laptop computer containing “a fair amount of records” was stolen from a marked cruiser and an on-board camera was damaged while the cruiser was left at an auto dealership for service, said Chief Jon Tretter. The theft from and damage to the “brand new” cruiser occurred last week when…
Identity fraud case has broader scope than first thought
Andrea Simmons reports on a case mentioned on this blog last month. … A simple investigation into a couple stolen checks has evolved into what Duluth authorities say is a wide-ranging tax fraud case involving Ford, three separate identity theft rings with half a dozen or more conspirators and upwards of 5,800 victims. […] After…
TX: Suit wants $3.5 billion for state computer glitch
A second class-action lawsuit has been filed in a Houston federal court against Comptroller Susan Combs on behalf of 3.5 million Texans whose personal information was exposed to public access on a government computer server for more than a year. “We are seeking the $1,000 statutory penalty for each of these individuals whose privacy was…