Imagine having a law on your side that actually helps you in the event your bank account is hacked or your funds are stolen by scammers, but the bank never tells you that you are protected by that law, and worse, does not comply with it. According to NYS Attorney General Letitia James, that’s pretty…
Category: U.S.
NJ: Freehold Township School District is forced to close 8 schools Monday due to cyber security threat.
Kristina Beek reports: On Jan. 28, the Freehold Township School District informed its staff, families, and students that its schools and offices would be closed today due to a cybersecurity incident. School officials said that because of the incident, the district, located in Freehold, N.J., was experiencing technical difficulties and that it is working with third-party cybersecurity experts to…
Ex-IRS contractor who leaked Trump’s tax returns sentenced to 5 years
Salvador Rizzo reports: A former IRS contractor who leaked a slew of confidential tax records filed by the wealthiest Americans, including those of President Donald Trump, was sentenced Monday to the maximum of five years in prison. Charles Littlejohn pleaded guilty last year to one count of unauthorized disclosure of income tax returns. Littlejohn, 38, admitted that he…
SolarWinds Seeks Dismissal of ‘Unfounded’ SEC Cybersecurity Suit
Skye Witley reports: SolarWinds Corp. issued a full-throated denial of wrongdoing in how it handled one of the worst cyberattacks in history in a Friday court filing seeking the dismissal of US Securities and Exchange Commission allegations that its software security representations defrauded investors and violated rules on controls. SolarWinds argued that it disclosed risks…
Facebook suffers big loss in lawsuit against data-scraping company
Jon Brodkin reports: One year after Meta sued a data-scraping company, a federal judge this week threw out Meta’s breach-of-contract claim because the defendant obtained only public data from Facebook and Instagram. Meta sued Bright Data in January 2023, making claims of breach of contract and tortious interference with contract. Bright Data is an Israeli company that collects data…
NYS Comptroller Audit: Garrison Union Free School District – Information Technology (2023M-127)
Issued Date: January 19, 2024 [read complete report – pdf] Audit Objective Determine whether Garrison Union Free School District (District) officials secured the District’s network user accounts, established physical controls and maintained inventory records for information technology (IT) equipment, and developed an IT contingency plan. Key Findings District officials did not adequately secure the District’s…