Anthony C. Maki reports: An online MCTC [Minneapolis Community and Technical College] directory left sensitive student data and internal documents accessible to the prying eyes of anyone with an Internet connection since at least the summer of 2006, according to an investigation by City College News. Besides annual accounts-receivable reports and salary rosters, a database spanning…
Category: Exposure
UK: Council data leak sparks fraud fears
An investigation has been launched after the personal details of almost 2,000 council workers were leaked in a major security breach. Sensitive data including bank account details, addresses and national insurance numbers of employees and councillors at East Devon District Council were sent to a private email address by a former manager. Councillors have described…
KCI working to contain employee data breach
David Hendricks reports: San Antonio-based Kinetic Concepts Inc. was offering credit monitoring and other identity-theft prevention services to its U.S. employees Thursday after an inadvertent e-mail containing an attachment listing employees’ vital information was sent internally Wednesday, a KCI spokesman said Thursday. The e-mail’s attachment listed names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers and…
Faculty, staff ID threatened
Sarah Krimm reports: At 8:55 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 26 an e-mail containing the Social Security number, driver’s license number, and first and last name of 2,484 full and part-time ASU [Arkansas State University] employees was sent to 144 ASU e-mail addresses. This information breach has raised concern among affected faculty, as identity theft becomes…
MO: Union pension mailer reveals recepient’s Social Security numbers
Matthew Hathaway reports: A local union pension fund sent mailers that included Social Security numbers of the recipients printed on the outside of the envelopes, according to members of the Carpenters District Council of Greater St. Louis and Vicinity who received the letter. The mailer states that there are more than 24,000 beneficiaries of the…
Delaware government: State retiree sues over Aon data leak
Cris Barrish reports: The fallout from the posting of the Social Security numbers and birth dates of 22,000 Delaware government retirees on a state website continued Wednesday when one woman filed a class-action lawsuit against the state’s benefits consultant. “I feel aggrieved. It’s something we’re going to have worry about for the rest of our…