I’ve been reading a number of analyses and commentaries on the First Circuit’s ruling in the Hannaford Bros data breach case. While some people have described the ruling as a “potential game-changer,” Venkat Balasubramani provides a less optimistic analysis of what the decision may portend. As a recap, most of the plaintiffs’ claims have been…
Category: Business Sector
AL: Discarded personal information discovered in Shelby County
A FOX6 News viewer says personal information on hundreds of people was discovered in a trash storage company in Shelby County. Susan Beaty found copies of social security cards, driver’s licenses and even a paycheck stub. They are connected to “Indigo Joe’s” restaurant which is no longer in business. […] Read more on MyFoxAL
Ru: More than 1.6 million Mobile TeleSystems phone subscribers learn their details leaked online
Nathan Toohey and Alina Lobzina report: The Vedomosti newspaper has reported that more than 1 million of mobile provider MTS’ users have had their personal data published on the Zhiltsy.net website. A resident of the town of Ufa, Fedor Ponomarev, alerted the newspaper to the massive data leak. The data originated from 2006 and after…
Binned PCs were stuffed with MoD and Sun staffers’ privates
Here we go – again. John Leyden reports: Security researchers found personal records of Sun newspaper and MoD staff on the hard drives of discarded or resold computers. The study, The ghosts from the machines: A history of 10 years of carelessly discarded data, found that both businesses and consumers are getting rid of old PCss without…
Swedish password hacking scandal widens
A password hacking scandal which on Tuesday exposed login details of 90,000 Swedes, including several journalists and celebrities, has widened to include 180,000 users on nearly 60 websites. On Tuesday, information about more than 90,000 account passwords associated with the popular Swedish blogging site Bloggtoppen.se, was made public on the Twitter account of former Sweden…
CA: Former employees of bankrupt aluminum plant put at risk when their records left behind for scavengers
Going bankrupt must suck, but screwing your former employees by putting them at risk of ID theft is just not an okay way to handle bankruptcy. J.N. Sbranti reports: It was a filthy job, but 40 workers spent Tuesday picking up papers — including confidential employee records — that had been blowing around an abandoned…