Ah, that pesky human error strikes again. Marianne Favro reports: Attention, Old Navy shoppers: Your credit card receipt, with full account number and signature, may have ended up in a random mailbox in Upstate New York. Anita Vogel lives in West Seneca, New York, near Buffalo. She recently received a package in the mail containing…
Category: Business Sector
Who hacked Nordstrom?
Will Phoenix writes: Unlike the hackers who recently hit Target and Nieman Marcus, authorities know exactly who hacked Nordstrom. According to the U.S. Attorney’s office two brothers identified as Andrew S. Chiu, 29, of Anaheim, California; and Allen J. Chiu, 37, of Dallas, Texas utilized a mix of business logic attacks and fraudulent actions to…
Pointer: A First Look at the Target Intrusion, Malware – Krebs
In case you missed it, Brian Krebs had a column with some informed speculation about the malware used in the Target attack. You can read his column here.
Follow-up: Two Members Of Identity Theft Ring Targeting Government Employees Sentenced
There was a follow-up to this case, published January 10 by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia: Adrienne Pritchett, 42, of District Heights, Md., was sentenced to 57 months in prison, followed by four years of supervised release, for bank fraud and aggravated identity theft. Pritchett has also agreed to pay…
Good luck with THAT (Target update)
John Leyden reports: Underground cybercriminals are attempting to decrypt a 50GB dump of encrypted debit card PINs that security watchers reckon were lifted during last year’s high profile breach against retail giant Target. Security intelligence firm IntelCrawler reports that a miscreant claiming to be in possession of 50GB of PIN data secured with 3DES encryption posted a…
United Natural Foods warehouse with retired laptops and hard drives burglarized
Let’s never forget the importance of physical security. Attorneys for United Natural Foods Inc. (UNFI) report that in early October, UNFI was notified by police in Auburn, California that several old/retired laptops had been found in the possession of two homeless individuals on two occasions. UNFI’s investigation revealed that the laptops had last been located…