From the one-down-how-many-others-to-go? dept: The head of Turkey’s election authority on Friday said a recent massive online leak of personal data did not come from its system. “The information we obtained at the end of research we did at websites [with the leaked data] is compatible with databases we have given to political parties,” Supreme…
Category: Exposure
Einstein Health Network notifies 3,000 patients after web exposure of information
Justin Heinze reports: Einstein Healthcare Network may have suffered a data breach, they announced Thursday, and they are sending letters home to patients that may have been effected. The incident involved a website database containing patient information entered into Einstein’s website “Request for Information” form, Einstein said. Read more on Norristown Patch. EHN posted…
IE: IAA apologizes for data breach
The Irish Aviation Authority has apologised after a data breach on its drone register. Registered owners were allowed to access the names and contact details of all other drone pilots as a result of an error. Read more on The Nationalist.
Mossack Fonseca: we were hacked
On April 4, the Panamanian law firm at the center of a huge scandal issued a statement saying, among other things, that the media has misrepresented what they do, that everything they do is perfectly aboveboard, and they regret – but are not responsible for – any clients who may have misused their services despite their due…
Turkish prosecutor opens probe into ‘personal data theft’ of millions
From the it’s-about-time dept., Yeni Şafak reports: … Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ said that the source of the mass leak should be verified. Turkey has a personal data protection law which guarantees personal data protection as an institutional right, in force. Fifty million people is a very big number. We will take all measures to…
AU: Return to sender: unions royal commission apologises over privacy blunder
Paul Karp reports: The royal commission into trade union governance and corruption has apologised to the construction union after giving its confidential documents to another party. On Wednesday the Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union alerted the royal commission that in a further breach it had sent the union confidential information of another company’s employees, the…