Highmark was notifying some 3,700 members on Wednesday that documents containing their names, policy identification and social security numbers were missing, the second such data spill for the region’s dominant health insurer in four months. In January, the company mailed a premium billing statement to Boscov’s Department Store, a client in Reading, according to Highmark….
Category: Health Data
Bronx man found guilty in million-dollar ID theft and tax fraud
Felix Nkansah, 28, was found guilty of participating in an identity theft ring and defrauding the United States Treasury. His conviction followed a one-week trial in Manhattan federal court. According to the Superseding Indictment and evidence presented at trial: Beginning in 2007, Nkansah participated in an identity theft ring whose purpose was to file, via…
PA: Greensburg medical facility laptops stolen
Bob Stiles reports: Two laptop computers containing patient information were stolen from two Greensburg medical complexes over the weekend, city police said Tuesday. One theft occurred at Dr. Barry Bupp’s dental practice in Medical Commons One on South Street, the other in Dr. Elie Abdallah’s office in the Medical Arts Building on Shearer Street, police…
PA: Greensburg medical facility laptops stolen
Bob Stiles reports: Two laptop computers containing patient information were stolen from two Greensburg medical complexes over the weekend, city police said Tuesday. One theft occurred at Dr. Barry Bupp’s dental practice in Medical Commons One on South Street, the other in Dr. Elie Abdallah’s office in the Medical Arts Building on Shearer Street, police…
NY: Doctor apologizes for snapping photo of student’s ‘thumbs up’ over cadaver
Chau Lam and Jennifer Barrios report: A resident physician at a Long Island, N.Y., hospital apologized to faculty members over the weekend for posting a photograph of a former classmate giving two thumbs up next to a cadaver as state health officials said they would be looking into the matter. In three separate e-mails, Erica…
UK: Information safety fears as personal data is lost
Adam Morris and Michael Blackley report: Fresh fears have been raised over the protection of personal information after both the city council and NHS Lothian were hit by new “data loss” incidents. The Evening News has uncovered a series of cases where sensitive information has been lost or stolen in the past year. They range…