On August 10, DataBreaches.net reported that Olympia House, an alcohol rehabilitation and drug treatment center in Petaluma, California had apparently been attacked by NetWalker ransomware threat actors but had not responded to an inquiry by this site. By November 9, Olympia House still had not posted any statement on their site or press release, and…
Category: Health Data
VA: Konikoff Dental Associates notifies patients and employees of possible data breach
WAVY reports: Konikoff Dental Associates Harbour View released a statement on its website warning patients of a possible data breach. The statement says the dentistry became aware of the incident on October 11 and it may affect the security of personal information for some patients and employees. Read more on WAVY. The dental practice’s full…
Survey: To Report or Not Report Health Care Data Breaches
To Report or Not Report Health Care Data Breaches December 11, 2020 Amanda Walden, PhD, RHIA, CHDA , Kendall Cortelyou-Ward, PhD , Meghan Hufstader Gabriel, PhD , Alice Noblin, PhD, RHIA, CCS, PMP The American Journal of Managed Care, December 2020, Volume 26, Issue 12 This study presents information regarding the decisions that health care privacy officers make about reporting a data breach, including…
Norwegian DPA imposes administrative fine to Østfold HF Hospital
From EDPB on November 25: The Norwegian Data Protection Authority has decided on an administrative fee of NOK 750,000 to Østfold HF Hospital. The background is that in the period 2013-2019, the hospital stored report extracts from patient records outside the safe zone. The case started with a notice of personal data breach from the…
Maine disability services provider notifies 3,000 patients after thwarting ransomware attack
Here’s another incident where patients are not being offered any mitigation services — in this case, presumably because the entity and its external IT vendor could not find any evidence that ransomware threat actors had ever accessed, copied, or exfiltrated any data. Employment Specialists of Maine is a service provider for adults with mental health…
Cedar Springs Hospital notifies patients of breach after state loses drive with patient data
Yesterday, Cedar Springs Hospital in Colorado issued a press release about an incident that involved the state. They explain: Cedar Springs Hospital recently received a request from its licensing agency, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (“CDPHE”), for certain hospital records. As a licensed healthcare provider, Cedar Springs Hospital is subject to periodic…