There’s more on a lawsuit previously mentioned on this blog, where patients sued a cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Michele Koo, for uploading before/after pictures to the Internet that could be found by a Google search on the patients’ names. The problem, at least in some cases, occurred because the patients’ names were embedded in the photos’…
Category: Health Data
Ca: Dumpster records doctor will not be charged
The Regina Leader-Post staff reports the follow-up on a Saskatchewan breach reported previously on this blog: The doctor who was responsible for patient files found in a Regina recycling bin last March will not be charged. The provincial Information and Privacy Commissioner Gary Dickson conducted a four-month investigation last year and recommended that the Minister…
CA: Audit Reveals Records Leak At Local Hospital
On the value of routine audits. Seek and ye may find…. Judy Bowers reports: Bear Valley Community Hospital contacted 102 patients to let them know their medical records had been breached. Rudy Shutta, acting CEO of Bear Valley Community Healthcare District and the chief financial officer, said the breach was discovered following a routine audit….
Medical ID theft victim can sue bank and credit rating agency for reporting false information to credit agencies
The frustrating saga of Eric Drew, a cancer patient who had his identity stolen by a hospital worker, continues. Annie Youderian of Courthouse News reports: A cancer survivor whose identity was stolen by a hospital worker can sue Chase Bank and a credit service company for reporting false information to credit-rating agencies, the 9th Circuit…
UK: Sensitive details of NHS staff published by Trust in Devon
From the Information Commissioner’s Office: A health trust in Torquay has been served with a £175,000 penalty after the sensitive details of over 1,000 employees were accidentally published on the Trust’s website, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) announced today. Staff at Torbay Care Trust published the information in a spreadsheet on their website in April…
FL: Palm Beach County Health Department employee pilfered patient information
Ed Komenda reports: With a few key strokes and clicks of a mouse, an employee with the Palm Beach County Health Department accessed everything. The employee used a computer to view all manner of patient records. Names, prescriptions, social security numbers: nothing new to someone who had walked through the department’s halls for years. But…