Following up on a news story posted yesterday: Over on Wired, Kim Zetter has additional details on the trial and conviction of Pirate Bay co-founder Gottrid Svartholm Warg.
Category: Non-U.S.
Quebec court rules in lost personal data case: no fraud, no theft, no class action
Prachi Shah of Clyde & Co. provides an update on litigation stemming from a lost device case previously noted on this blog: Paul Sofio v. OCRCVM (IIROC), 2014 QCCS 4061 (under appeal) – The Quebec Superior Court refuses to authorize a class action where the loss of personal data did not result in fraud or identity…
Pirate Bay founder guilty of hacking CSC; largest hacking case in Danish history
The Local reports: The largest hacking case in Danish history has ended with guilty verdicts for Pirate Bay co-founder Gottrid Svartholm Warg and his 21-year-old Danish co-defendant ‘JLT’. Warg, the Swedish co-founder of Pirate Bay, was found guilty of hacking into the mainframe of IT giant CSC between February and August of 2012. JLT was…
South African firms complacent about attacks
IT-Online reports: Mobile security breaches have affected 58% of South African organisations in the last 12 months. Despite this, they are still not taking sufficient security measures to protect themselves against mobile threats, such as lost or stolen devices and malware infections. In fact, the new study from BT reveals that more than two fifths…
S. Sudan says it will not expel Chinese company officials
Sudan Tribune reports: South Sudan has vowed not to expel any member of Huawei, a Chinese technological company it accused of allegedly forging documents on behalf of its information minister. This comes a day after the country’s authorities ordered an investigation into allegations that Huawei had hacked its systems. Read more on Sudan Tribune.
KR: Three former Kia Motors employees indicted for trade secrets breach
Another insider breach for competitive advantage. This one doesn’t seem to involve customer data. Yonhap News reports: Three former employees of Kia Motors Corp., South Korea’s No. 2 automaker, have been indicted on charges of leaking confidential information to a Chinese competitor, Seoul prosecutors said Friday. The suspects, including a former member of the board…