Catalin Cimpanu reports: A hacker has published this week a massive list of Telnet credentials for more than 515,000 servers, home routers, and IoT (Internet of Things) “smart” devices. The list, which was published on a popular hacking forum, includes each device’s IP address, along with a username and password for the Telnet service, a remote…
Category: Of Note
Security researchers — and journalists — need legislative protection in India for disclosing vulnerabilities
If there is anything positive at all about the legal bullshit 1to1Help,net has perpetrated to cover up their data leak and to deflect blame, it is the support I have received from the Internet Freedom Foundation in India. But before diving into that more, a quick update on 1to1Help’s shameful litigation: After reading the court…
Iran vs U.S., The Cyber Front Explained
On January 3, the U.S. announced the successful assassination of Qasem Soleimani, Iran’s top general. Dire warnings about retaliation immediately appeared in the news, and it wasn’t long before we began to see headlines claiming that Iran had launched cyberattacks on the U.S. But were these really state actors or sophisticated actors, or or were…
FBI seizes WeLeakInfo, a website that sold access breached data
Catalin Cimpanu reports: US authorities have seized this week the domain of, an online service that for the past three years has been selling access to data hacked from other websites. The website provided access to people’s cleartext passwords, allowing hackers to purchase a subscription on the site and gain access to billions of user…
Washington State Attorney General’s Office 2019 Data Breach Report
For those who may not know, Washington State produces its own data breach report annually. Here’s a snippet from their report: In 2019, the total number of breaches reported to our office increased by nearly 20%, with just over 70% resulting from a malicious cyberattack. Yep, the percentage increase in number of incidents/reports sounds about…
New and improved FTC data security orders: Better guidance for companies, better protection for consumers
I held off on posting this one as so many people need a bit more time to get back into the swing of things after the holidays. Andrew Smith, Director of the FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection, posted this on January 6 on the FTC’s site: When Chairman Simons and I arrived at the FTC,…