Brian Krebs reports: A hacker break in at a U.S. company that brokers reservations for limousine and Town Car services nationwide has exposed the personal and financial information on more than 850,000 well-heeled customers, including Fortune 500 CEOs, lawmakers, and A-list celebrities. The high-value data cache was found on the same servers where hackers stashed information…
Category: Of Note has already had a privacy breach – report. Get it together, folks.
It seems like has had a security breach already in which limited personal information from two applicants was disclosed to another applicant. Kelsey Harris and Rob Bluey report: Justin Hadley logged on to to evaluate his insurance options after his health plan was canceled. What he discovered was an apparent security flaw that disclosed eligibility letters addressed…
Exiting CTO who copied source code and company files wins dismissal of CFAA claim; Thoughts on the CFAA post-Nosal
Justin P. Webb writes: Viral Tolat, ex-CTO of Integral Development Company, is accused by his former company of copying gigabytes of source code and confidential files on his way out the door to a position with another company. He copied the source code to multiple places and uploaded some of the data to his personal Google Docs…
NetDiligence 2013 report: “Cyber Liability & Data Breach Insurance Claims”
NetDiligence has released its 2013 report on “Cyber Liability & Data Breach Insurance Claims” based on actual claims submitted: This report summarizes our findings for a sampling of 145 data breach insurance claims, 140 of which involved the exposure of sensitive data in a variety of sectors, including government, healthcare, hospitality, financial services, professional services, retail and…
Resource: Cyber Arrest Tracker
Lee Johnstone has created another resource for us all: a cyber arrest tracker. The chart includes the individuals’ names, screen names, criminal indictments, and other details. The tracker already has 83 entries in it. Check it out and bookmark it here. URL updated to reflect new dedicated domain.
US Government Intervenes In False Claims Lawsuit Against United States Investigations Services For Failing To Perform Required Quality Reviews Of Background Investigations
Background checks are an important tool in preventing insider breaches. After Edward Snowden’s leaks became public, eyes turned to the firm that was responsible for checking his background, USIS. And now they’re in a slew of potentially very hot water: The government has intervened in a lawsuit filed under the False Claims Act against United…