California Department of Social Services is notifying over 700,000 In-Home Supportive Services providers and recipients that their data may have been lost. An FAQ on the department’s web site explains that CDSS became aware of the breach on May 9. The information was in a package that was damaged in transit between a Hewlett Packard…
Category: Subcontractor
Rubio’s Warns Shareholders And Workers Compensation Claimants That Their Data Were Stolen From Auditor’s Car
If you follow me on Twitter (@pogowasright) or follow @datalossdb, you’ll know that over the past few months, I’ve started just sending some items directly into the database without reporting them on this blog. A few nights ago, I added a bunch to the database – some of which I tweeted – after discovering that…
Sensitive personal information on 800,000 California residents lost between IBM and state office
Steven Harmon reports: In a puzzling breach of security, computer storage devices containing identification information of 800,000 Californians using the state’s child support services have gone missing. The Department of Child Support Service reported on Thursday the data devices were lost March 12 en route to California from the Colorado facilities of IBM, one of…
‘Indian call centres accused of selling Britons’ personal data for as little as two pence’
Deja vu all over again: Indian call centres are selling Britons’ confidential personal data, including credit card information, medical and financial records to criminals and marketing firms for as little as two pence, an undercover investigation has discovered. Two ‘consultants’, claiming to be IT workers at several call centres boasted of possesing 45 different sets…
AT&T Says One Of Its Service Providers Hacked Illegally Into Connecticut Customers’ Accounts
George Gombossy reports: AT&T is now admitting that one of its service providers hacked illegally into at least five Connecticut customers’ accounts. The admission, in a letter Thursday to the Connecticut Attorney General’s office, comes after months of denial by AT&T that it could have had anything to do with two security breaches of a…
IN: AG Investigates Cardinal Fitness Dumped Documents
I love when local media report on breaches and the state then investigates. Here’s another example: Deputy Attorney General Chuck Taylor launched an investigation after a Dumpster containing credit card numbers and receipts was found sitting outside a closed Indianapolis fitness center. Viewers first contacted RTV6 when the discarded personal information was found outside of…