More is starting to come out about the Health Net breach involving missing server drives that we first learned of earlier today in a press release from CT’s Attorney General. His press release was followed by a press release from Health Net. Now a few more details have emerged: Kathy Robertson of the Sacramento Business…
Category: Subcontractor
The West Virginia Attorney General’s Office statement on CAMC breach
West Virginia Attorney General Darrell McGraw today announced actions by his office and the Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC) to secure the private information of 3655 patients affected by a data breach on a website set up for CAMC. The breach occurred within the research subsidiary of CAMC – the CAMC Health Education Research Institute…
Contractor error exposed Charleston Area Medical Center’s Research Institute patient data on web
Statement by Charleston Area Medical Center: We wanted to let you know about a security incident that occurred at Charleston Area Medical Center’s Research Institute, which involved the personal information of some of our patients. On February 8, 2011, we learned that one of our databases containing information about 3655 patients had security vulnerability. The…
OH: Envelopes Display Workers’ Social Security Numbers
A mass mailing has made some very private information public. More than 8,000 state child-care providers have had their social security numbers accidentally exposed, 10TV’s Glenn McEntyre reported on Monday. The providers received letters from Affiliated Computer Services, which is a subsidiary of Xerox. The company was hired by the state of Ohio to manage…
HHC Press release on backup tapes stolen from GRM van
The following statement was issued by Health and Hospital Corporation yesterday concerning a breach reported on this blog earlier today: The New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) this week began to notify nearly 1.7 million patients and hospital staff, as well as the employees of vendors, contractors, and others – who were all…
NYC: Health Records Stolen From Van, 1.7 Million People Affected
Susanna Griffee reports on a breach involving backup tapes stolen from a vehicle that had been left unattended: The personal information of 1.7 million patients, hospital staff and associated employees was recently stolen, and city officials are notifiying potential victims to warn them about the loss of the files. The files were reported stolen in…