Ah, the risks of disgruntled terminated employees. A federal jury convicted computer programmer Rajendrasinh Babubhai Makwana, age 36, of Montgomery County, Maryland, yesterday of computer intrusion arising from the transmission of malicious script to Fannie Mae’s computer servers. The verdict was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein and…
Category: Subcontractor
When is three years of free credit monitoring still not enough?
How quickly times change. It seems like only a few years ago that we thought it newsworthy that a breached entity would offer a year of free credit monitoring. Then it became newsworthy when they offered two years. Then it became newsworthy when they didn’t offer any free services. Now some retirees in Delaware are…
Two Sentenced for Accessing President’s Student Loan Records
On August 25, 2010, Mercedes Costoyas, a.k.a., Mercedes Costoyas-Perret, 53, of Iowa City, IA, and John P. Phommivong, 30, of North Liberty, IA, were each sentenced to one year probation for exceeding authorized computer access. The sentencing was announced on September 25 by United States Attorney Nicholas A. Klinefeldt. United States District Judge James E….
AU: Security breached as former prostitute pilfers Einfeld police transcript
Oh those pesky contractors. Here’s a case making some waves in Australia because it involves a scandal and failure to run background checks. Natasha Wallace reports: It took a former prostitute just a few days to pilfer sensitive computer files and find what she wanted: the nine-page police interview of the disgraced former judge Marcus Einfeld….
Lost in transit, Thursday edition
Through its lawyers, Rhode Island-based Benefit Concepts, Inc. recently notified the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office that a package containing employee payroll checks and a CD with copies of the payroll checks went missing. According to the notification letter, their vendor, CompuPay, had sent the package on July 19 via FedEx and it should have…
Van Dyke’s Restorers notifies customers of potential disclosure of info
Bear with me, folks, because this one is a bit confusing. I am looking at an undated letter to customers that Van Dyke’s Restorers sent out, but there is no attached report or cover letter to the Vermont Attorney General’s Office that has been posted online. Vermont’s site indicates a date of August 8,…