TAD Gear has posted a notice on its web site at tadgear.com: This notice is to inform our customers of a security incident at TAD Gear. We recently learned that our database was illegally accessed from an external source, and it appears that some customer data were taken, which may include customer names, contact information…
Category: U.S.
TX: Former VP of First Service CU convicted for bank fraud, ID theft
A former Senior Vice President of Area Operations for First Service Credit Union in Houston has pleaded guilty to embezzling more than $30,000 from his former employer, United States Attorney Tim Johnson announced today. Christopher Allen, 41, of Houston, appeared before United States District Judge Sim Lake today and pleaded guilty to bank fraud and…
FL: Ten more indicted in Operation Felony Lane
Ten people have been indicted by a federal grand jury in West Palm Beach. The indictment, which was unsealed today, is the the ninth installment of “Operation Felony Lane,” an ongoing investigation aimed at systematically dismantling large identity theft rings operating in the tri-county area. Charged in today’s 21-count Indictment are defendants Janice Coachman, Latoya…
NV: UMC has patient privacy leak
Marshall Allen reports: Private information about accident victims treated at University Medical Center has apparently been leaking for months, the Sun has learned, allegedly so ambulance-chasing attorneys could mine for clients. Sources say someone at UMC is selling a compilation of the hospital’s daily registration forms for accident patients. This is confidential information — including…
UPDATE: 1.5 Million Medical Files At Risk In Health Net Data Breach
Matthew Sturvedant reports: A hard drive with seven years of personal and medical information on about 1.5 million Health Net customers, including 446,000 in Connecticut, was lost six months ago and was first reported Wednesday, state and company officials said. The insurance company informed the state attorney general’s office and the Department of Insurance Wednesday…
80,000 Mailers Sent Out With Recipients’ Social Security Numbers In Plain View
Ouch! Postcards sent out by the Universal American Action Network, a subsidiary of Universal American Insurance, had the recipients’ full Social Security Numbers in plain view. There were reportedly 80,000 postcards sent out last Friday to Universal clients around the country who are enrolled in their Medicare Advantage plan. WGAL reports: Universal American told News…