Kate Hanniford of Alston & Bird writes: Following the SolarWinds cyber espionage attack (the “Attack”) and the resulting focus on supply chain risk, the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) has issued a report detailing the impact on and responses by its regulated covered entities to the Attack. Although there have been no reported instances of…
Implementing the HIPAA Security Rule: Call for Comments on NIST SP 800-66, Revision 1
Implementing the HIPAA Security Rule: Call for Comments on NIST SP 800-66, Revision 1 The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) is planning to update the NIST Special Publication (SP) 800—66, Revision 1, An Introductory Resource Guide for Implementing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Rule (“Resource Guide”). NIST is seeking stakeholder input…
Sekurak blog interviewed Babuk about Metropolitan DC Police attack
A blogger from Sekurak (a Polish blog) conducted a great interview with Babuk yesterday. You can read the write-up here. Here’s a snippet from it: sekurak : How did you get to the police infrastructure in Washington? Babuk : 0-day VPN. We can’t say anything else, it’s 0-day after all. sekurak : When did the Washington Police realize that…
Breached Online Ordering Platforms Expose Hundreds of Restaurants
How many of us increased our online orders from restaurants because of the pandemic? Unsurprisingly, criminals have been motivated by that to engage in even more Card Not Present (CNP) fraud. A new report by Gemini Advisory, released today, highlights the growing risks restaurants (and consumers) face. In the past 6 months, Gemini has reported…
Data Brokers and National Security
Michael Kans reports: In the worlds of data protection and privacy, too often there is a decoupling of national security issues and what might be termed non-national security issues despite the clear interplay between the two realms. Over the past decade, U.S. adversaries have vacuumed up the personal data of many Americans with one nation…
It: BCC Roma suffers cyberattack impacting 188 branches
Banco di Credito Cooperativo (BCC Roma) is one of the largest cooperative credit banks in Italy. Now Andrea Greco reports that operations at 188 branches have been impacted by a cyberattack. BCC has posted a notice reassuring customers that although operations may be slower, the branches are operational (translation): We inform our customers that the…