I received the following email from a blog reader this morning: FYI I have received 3 phishing emails in the last 12 hours including emails purportedly from Charter, Walgreens, and Citibank; of special interest however is the fact that I received a phone call on my home phone and the ID listed the caller as…
Why unsubscribing from mail lists might not have protected you from the Epsilon breach
Back in December 2010, when Walgreens sent out its first breach notifications, one of the troubling aspects was that despite the fact that consumers had unsubscribed from their mailings, their data had been retained. The December 2010 notification email read, in part: We realize you previously unsubscribed from promotional emails from Walgreens, and that will continue….
CT: MidState Medical Center informs 93,500 patients of data breach
Greg Bordonaro reports: MidState Medical Center has begun sending letters to 93,500 patients whose personal information may have been compromised following the accidental loss of a computer hard drive, the hospital said in a letter to employees Tuesday. The misplaced hard drive, which has not yet been recovered, contains patient’s names, addresses, birthdates, social security…
Dutch Senate rejects electronic patients’ records
Radio Netherlands Worldwide reports: The Dutch Senate has unanimously rejected Health Minister Edith Schippers’ plan to introduce the Electronic Patient Dossier (EPD) nationwide. Under the scheme, people’s medical records would have been available to doctors and other health professionals throughout the country. However, the senators decided that the planned system’s security was not good enough…
WV: Identity theft plagues Kanawha Valley
Jared Hunt reports from West Virginia: Federal officials are investigating an identity theft scheme that has been draining the bank accounts of Kanawha Valley residents in recent weeks. Officials are urging residents to vigilantly check their credit and bank statements to make sure they haven’t been hit by this latest scheme. Ron Layton, resident agent…
Nurse allowed to resign in medical chart snooping case
Associated Press reports an update on the privacy breach at the U. of Iowa involving staff snooping on football players’ records: A nurse at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics who allegedly accessed confidential medical records of a university football player has been allowed to resign rather than be fired. A legal agreement made…