On April 1, 2011, a New York law went in effect requiring retailers of certain electronic equipment to institute electronic waste collection programs and to provide information to consumers on how to “destroy all data on any electronic waste, either through physical destruction of the hard drive or through data wiping.” Manufacturers of devices that have…
UK: ICO slaps Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS with Undertaking
From an undertaking posted to the ICO’s web on Friday without any companion release to indicate when the breach occurred or when it was reported to the ICO: The Information Commissioner (the “Commissioner”) was provided by the data controller with a report of the theft of an unencrypted laptop storing personal data. The laptop was…
And the hits just keep on coming for Epsilon
Note: CBS reports that the Secret Service is investigating the Epsilon breach. If you receive a phishing attempt that you want to report to the Secret Service, email [email protected]. You can also file a report at http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx. I’ll add businesses to the list of affected customers as I become aware of them, so check back if…
Was this Epsilon’s first breach – or its second? (update2)
From the this-may-be-getting-ugly dept.: Adding to the growing list of companies affected by a breach at Dallas-based Epsilon, Stitch Kingdom reports that Disney Destinations (The Walt Disney Travel Company) was also affected by the breach . But I knew that already thanks to a site reader who tiredly sent me the notification he received from them….
A Rash of Third-Party Data Breaches Takes a Toll on Businesses and Customers (update2)
Last month I reported that both Play.com and Maine’s Dept. of Conservation had been hit by breaches at their third-party vendors. Game Show Network (GSN) customers were also notified of a breach at a third-party vendor, but I didn’t report it at the time because I was trying to get confirmation from the company whether the…
AU: Doctors breaching patient privacy: Orwell redux
Via Dr. Ken Pope’s mail list, I learned of an article in the Medical Journal of Australia by David J. Handelsman, Leo A. Turner, and Ann J. Conway, ” Doctors breaching patient privacy: Orwell redux.” Here’s an excerpt from the commentary: Of all the ethical principles underlying medical practice, confidentiality is so fundamental that its…