A popular Rock Hill restaurant is the one common thread in a growing number of credit card fraud cases. … So far, more than 30 patrons have reported unexplained charges on their credit cards from states around the Southeast. The victims all ate at Michael’s Rock Hill Grille from Sept. 16 through Nov. 2, with…
Tulane University’s breach report to the NH AG’s Office
As an update to the Tulane University incident where a laptop with W-2 data was stolen from an employee’s car while he was traveling out of town: Tulane’s notification to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office provides some additional details on the incident. The employee had the data on a laptop because he was supposed…
Experian catches ’em, but how do you prevent ’em?
I just read yet another breach report Experian filed with the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office. The sequence generally goes like this: Someone acquires the Experian login for one of Experian’s clients. The login is misused to access credit report and info on people. The breach is discovered. Login is changed. The individuals are notified…
More affected by Pentagon Federal CU breach than originally thought
The Pentagon Federal Credit Union malware-related breach, first reported on this blog on Jan. 6, has an update. According to a supplementary letter to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office filed by their lawyers on January 11, the breach affected 674 residents of New Hampshire, not 514. Does anyone know the total for this breach?…
Two charged over iPad hacking on AT&T network
From Reuters: U.S. prosecutors have charged two men with stealing and distributing email addresses for about 120,000 users of Apple Inc’s popular iPad. Investigators accused Daniel Spitler and Andrew Auernheimer of using an “account slurper” to conduct a “brute force” attack over five days last June, to extract data about iPad users who accessed the…
UK: Junior doctor's laptop stolen, with confidential patient data uploaded
Ethel Smith reports: Government offices have had problems in the past with storing confidential data. Services such as the NHS have tightened their procedures considerably. Despite that, the UK Hospital Trust, which operates where I live, has recently had a member of staff lose confidential data. It seems that a junior doctor did not follow…